
A skilled workforce is essential to New Zealand’s economic growth and immigration is one of the levers Government has to help business gain and retain the skills it needs. Employers who are unable to find suitable workers in New Zealand and have roles that do not meet Skilled Migrant or Talent work visa criteria may be able to assist an employee to obtain an Essential Skills work visa. An employer must be able to demonstrate that they cannot find suitably skilled or qualified New Zealand workers, or New Zealand workers who could be readily trained to do the work.

Chile Force can assist New Zealand employers with:

  • Visa Checks Employers must confirm that all prospective employees are legally entitled to work in New Zealand and in the jobs offered. It is an offence under the Immigration Act 2009 to allow, or continue to allow, someone to work for you who is not entitled to do so. A visa check of a foreign national will include an entitlement to work if any, the visa expiry date, and any work-related visa conditions.

  • Temporary or Permanent Work Visas. Employers may offer employment to any foreign national but the prospective employee cannot start work until they have the appropriate work or residence class visa. The New Zealand Immigration process can be complex and inappropriate advice or incorrect documentation can cause applications to be delayed or declined. Chile Force advises employers on Immigration NZ policies and requirements, manages the recruitment process, and ensures employment contracts and job descriptions contain the key information required by Immigration NZ.

  • Variation to condition If a potential employee changes jobs or location they may be required to go through another immigration visa process to change their visa conditions. They will need your support to meet immigration requirements.

  • Approval in Principal to Recruit Overseas Workers Successful applications provide approval for employers to hire employees in the positions specified within the time specified, typically six to twelve months. You can apply to hire many people and this is valid until you have filled the number of positions specified in your application, or until the expiry date. A labour market test is required for proof that no suitable New Zealand employees are available for the position and that you have made genuine attempts to attract and recruit New Zealand workers at the current market salary. The prospective employee must be able to demonstrate their skills and experience are relevant to the job as described in your application and meet immigration health and character requirements.

Our fees are competitive and reflect the complexity and time involved in compiling and submitting individual applications. Contact Us for further information.