Chile Force deals primarily with the Agricultural Industry. During times of a very tight labour market many farmers are looking to recruit staff from overseas to fill vacant positions. Chile Force is well established and well positioned to assist foreign nationals with job placement within the industry. Members of the farming industry often place more emphasis on work experience and practical skills than qualifications so it is essential to submit detailed CV or resume.
All farms must meet strict criteria, for more information contact the team at Chile Force. We can provide expert assistance in areas including:
Job Placement We have successfully placed many foreign nationals on a large number of Dairy Farms in Canterbury and Southland, New Zealand. Chile Force arranges interviews, negotiates salary and conditions and manages your visa applications.
Work Visas The New Zealand Immigration process can be complex and inappropriate advice or incorrect documentation can cause applications to be delayed or declined. Chile Force will work with you from initial consultation to application conclusion, advising and preparing your visa application with care and attention to detail.
Police Certificates
Employer Documentation Chile Force will work with your employer to obtain the correct documentation for your visa application.
Partner and Family Relocation We can work with you in bringing family to join you in New Zealand.
Visitor Visas If you have family and friends visiting from overseas and not from a visa waiver country they will need a visitor’s visa. Contact Chile Force for more information.
Resident Visas
Variation of Conditions for an existing Visa
Document Translation
Working Holiday Visas
Our fees are competitive and reflect the complexity and time involved in compiling and submitting individual applications. Contact Us for further information.